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  • De-clutter the entire house ready to sell
  • Organise storage of items that you want to keep, but need to store during the sale process
  • De-clutter and organise specific rooms or cupboards to make life easier
  • Organise those who like to collect items or perhaps are clinical hoarders
  • Arrange to sell, donate, gift or dispose of unwanted items

Did you wake up this morning and realise you’re stepping over bags, boxes and possessions and are now left feeling a bit overwhelmed?

Maybe it’s just a room or cupboard you can’t get your head around?

Perhaps you are about to put your house on the market and need to de-clutter during the process?

Whatever your situation, it’s time to call us at Angel Assist Service!

Whether it’s your home or your office, our caring and non-judgmental team can help you sell, gift or re-home your possessions.

We work alongside you to decide what should stay and what should go.